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Learn a new language on autopilot with LazyWords

Build up your vocabulary in new languages while you browse the web.
Learn Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, and over 40 other languages.

Learn on:

Iphone with Safari
Computer with Chrome


How it works

Go and visit any website

Words will be highlighted
and translated into the language you are learning

Learn by context, or by
clicking on those words to reveal their translation

Listen to how they are pronounced

Easily learn a new language
40+ Language Options To Learn From
Choose from a wide variety of languages to master
See more
Random Word Translation: Learning Through Web Navigation
Words translated randomly while you navigate the web to learn on your daily routine
Contextual Translation Alternative: Finding Meaningful Words
Translation alternatives to random words to understand which meaning makes more sense in that context
Audio clips to show how words are pronunciated
Listen to learn how to pronunciate words in a new language
Translate text selected by user
Select any text and watch it translate to the language you want to learn

Medium length heading goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

Seamless Start

Your Guide to Quick and Easy LazyWords Sign-Up & Setup!

Sign Up & Setup

Beginner’s Boost

Mastering LazyWords – Your Step-by-Step Learning Journey!

Beginner Learners

Unlocking Advanced Features

Mastering LazyWords for Proficient Learners

Advanced Learners
Learn on autopilot
LazyWords is a browser extension so you learn on your free time.
Learn while reading your favorite content
Learn by reading your favorite blogs, daily news or any links that friends share with you.
Learning with context is so much easier
Corporate new words to your vocabulary, and practice them daily without even noticing.


Customer testimonials

"This is waaaaay too cool! It's helping me learn Hebrew without investing too much time on it. Lovely to use. Thanks a billion!"
Alan K.
“I’ve been using LazyWords for a while now and love it. It helped me reinforce some words I had only recently learned, and introduced me to some new ones. It’s a nice, easy, way to supplement everything else I do to learn Hebrew. Highly recommend it!"
Aaron D.